1. Through all the heavens, thy glory, Lord,
Doth admirably shine;
The starry firmament declares
Thy power, and skill, divine.
2. Each day, to next succeeding day,
Discourses of thy fame;
And night, to night, doth clearly show
The knowledge of thy name.
3. Were there no speech, nor language known
Through the terraqueous frame;
The voice of these would still be heard
And wide thy praise proclaim.
4. Through all the earth their line is gone,
Throughout the world their words;
In them a rich adorned tent
He for the sun affords.
5. Which from his chambers marcheth forth,
Bright as a bridegroom clad;
And champion like, proud of his strength,
To run his race is glad.
6. Lo, how he swiftly from the east,
Pursues his western course!
And all things in his circle feels
His heat's reviving force.
Second Part
7. God's perfect law converts the soul,
And daily strength supplies;
His testimonies faithful are,
And make the simple wise.
8. The statutes of the Lord are right,
With joy they fill the heart;
The Lord's commands are perfect pure.
Light to the eyes impart.
9. The fear of God, from mixtures free,
Forever does abide;
His judgments are established truth,
And wholly justified.
10. More to be prized than stores of fold,
Refined with utmost skill;
Than virgin honey sweeter far,
That from the combs distill.
11. Thy servant, where his danger lies,
They friendly warning give;
And they who strictly keep thy word,
Thence great rewards receive.
12. But who can fully know, how oft
He errs from paths divine;
From all my secret faults, O cleanse
This guilty soul of mine.
13. Withhold me from presumptuous sins,
Ne'er let them rule o'er me;
Then upright, and from grosser crimes,
I purified shall be.
14. O let the offerings of my mouth,
And musings of my heart,
Delight thine eyes; thou, Lord, my strength,
And my Redeemer art.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752