1 Thrice blest the man, that great Jehovah fears,
Observes his law, and his dread will reveres!
2 In honour long his progeny shall live;
And 'mong the nations great respect receive:
3 His life he spends in peace, in wealth, in pow'r,
His name will last, when he himself's no more:
4 While sore distresses wicked men confound,
Our God will beam his light the just around;
For, ever gracious, ever good, he frees,
The pious soul from woe, and gives her ease.
5 The good man's bountiful, and constant gives,
And injur'd innocence with joy relieves;
And, with discretion while his life he guides,
His wealth he with the indigent divides.
6 "No storms of fate his steady soul can move,"
His soul, that scorns the earth, and soars above:
Ne'er dark oblivion can involve his name,
Nor time itself obliterate his fame.
7 No dismal tidings can his heart surprize;
Firm is his heart, and on his God relies;
8 Firm as a rock, he dares his threat'ning foes,
For heav'n himself his sure support he knows.
9 The wealth that he with chearfulness bestow'd,
The kind compassion to the poor he shew'd,
His merit and his glory high will raise,
And propagate his name to after-days.
10 This views the wicked with indignant eye;
Rank spite and envy all his peace destroy;
He chases, he frets, he pines, the live-long day,
And with unbated malice wastes away.
Source: New Version of the Psalms of David #CXII