1 Tho’ toss’d with winds, and faint with fears,
Above the tempest wild and drear,
Hark! hark! my Saviour’s voice I hear,
“’Tis I, be not afraid.”
“’Tis I, be not afraid.”
“’Tis I, be not afraid.”
Hark! hark! my Saviour’s voice I hear,
“’Tis I, be not afraid.”
2 These raging winds, this surging sea,
Bear not a breath of wrath to thee;
That storm has all been spent on me,
“’Tis I, be not afraid.” [Refrain]
3 ‘Tis I who washed, and made thee white,
‘Tis I who gave thy blind eyes sight,
‘Tis I thy Lord, thy Life, thy Light,
“’Tis I, be not afraid.” [Refrain]
4 When on the other side, thy feet
Shall stand midst thousand welcomes sweet,
One well known voice thy heart shall greet,
“’Tis I, be not afraid.” [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Day No. 2 #241