1 Though shepherds heard the angels,
the wise men saw a star,
a long-awaited signal,
and so they traveled far
to lay down precious treasures
before a little child.
His mother bid them welcome,
received their gifts, and smiled.
2 Yet Mary must have questioned
such gifts for one so small.
He could have used a blanket,
a rattle, or a ball,
not incense for a temple
or myrrh for one who’s dead;
or gold enough for monarchs
to crown his little head!
3 Was this an angel’s warning,
a prophet’s clever ruse,
to hint at her son’s future
and all her thoughts confuse?
She paused and, for a moment,
was overcome with dread;
then Jesus, laughing, smiling,
filled her with joy instead.
4 Whatever comes, thought Mary,
my son is in God’s care;
no matter what his future,
God always will be there.
She thanked God for these wise men
who traveled from afar
to bring her son strange presents
because of one great star.
Source: Faith That Lets Us Sing: fifty new hymns and short worship songs #76