1 Tho’ oft I stray from my Lord away,
Forget life’s purpose and goal;
Tho’ sin allure, still my faith is sure,
The blood keeps cleansing my soul.
The blood keeps cleansing my soul!
The blood keeps cleansing my soul!
Tho’ sin may assail, it can never prevail,
The blood keeps cleansing my soul!
2 Tho’ bitter foes oft my way oppose,
And strive my life to control;
I falter not, nor bewail my lot,
The blood keeps cleansing my soul. [Refrain]
3 Then on I press, knowing God will bless,
His tides of love o’er me roll;
Come good or ill, I’m rejoicing still,
The blood keeps cleansing my soul. [Refrain]
4 Life’s day may pale, earthly strength may fail,
Death’s waves may over me roll;
My victor shout rings as I launch out,
“The blood keeps cleansing my soul.” [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Revival Power #68