1 Tho’ life’s path be rough and thorny,
Tho’ at times the tempests roll,
Still I urge my weary footsteps
Onward to the heav’nly goal.
“Jesus only” is my watchword;
His the call to victory;
What to me tho’ others beckon?
“Jesus only” do I see.
2 All my hopes and all my longings,
AS the years pass swiftly by,
Are but voices leading upward;
“Jesus only” is the cry. [Refrain]
3 All my talents and ambitions,
To my Saviour shall belong;
And my heart is thrilled with rapture;
“Jesus only” is its song. [Refrain]
4 When at last the race is ended,
This my great reward shall be,
“Jesus only”—blest Redeemer—
Thro’out all eternity. [Refrain]
Source: Sacred Songs No. 2 #33