1 Thou, whose coming seers and sages
Long foretold to Israel,
Hast appeared in these last ages,
Jesus Christ Immanuel.
O thou precious day of grace,
Fraught with blessings to our race!
None need now despair of pardon,
Bowed beneath a hopeless burden.
2 Simeon longed for Thy salvation:
David, wrapt with holy fire,
Poured forth strains of inspiration,
As he swept his royal lyre;
Righteous men and gifted seers
Longed for Thee in bygone years,
Some in silence, some loud crying,
Mingling prayers with tears and sighing.
3 God be blesséd, who hath granted
In His grace to you and me,
That for which so many panted--
Vainly hoped to hear and see.
Now God's counsel is revealed,
And the vision is unsealed;
God hath heard your supplication,
And is come to bring salvation.
4 Joyfully we sing Hosanna!
Blessed Savior, enter in;
Feed us with the living manna,
Cleanse our hearts from every sin.
See, we open wide the door!
Enter, to depart no more;
Come, and let us now enthrone Thee
In the hearts that long to own Thee.
5 Sin, alas! hath long compelled us
Her dread bidding to obey,
And, both soul and body, held us
Captive with resistless away;
All our efforts have been vain
To cast off her iron chain;
Thou, and thou alone, Lord Jesus,
Canst from all our sins release us.
6 Take Thy kingdom, wait no longer,
Since to Thee it doth belong;
And He only who is stronger
Can release us from the strong.
Make us happy, God's dear Son,
Reap the fruit Thy love has won;
Till earth's farthest realms adore Thee,
And her kings fall down before Thee.
Source: The Lutheran Hymnary #191
First Line: | Thou, whose coming seers and sages |
Title: | Thou, Whose Coming Seers and Sages |
German Title: | Du, des Zukunft Einst Erflehten |
Author: | Karl Johann Philipp Spitta |
Translator: | Richard Massie |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |