1 Thou who art enthroned in glory,
Crowned with love and robed in grace,
Lo! we humbly bow before Thee,
Offering up our songs of praise.
Mighty God and gracious Saviour!
Spirit of enduring grace,
Come in Thine especial favor,
With Thy glory fill this place.
2 We would celebrate the changes
Which the passing years have made,
Since our fathers—poor and strangers—
Sought the Western forest’s shade.
From Helvetia’s vine-clad mountains
Came a little friendless band;
By the rich Rhine’s infant fountains,
Others left their fatherland.
3 Here the little vine, increasing,
Spread its branches green and fair;
Now by Thine especial blessing
See how wide Thy vineyards are.
Come and take the ripened cluster;
All the vintage, Lord, is Thine;
But let mercy temper justice,
Where Thou meet’st a fruitless vine.
4 Let our institutions flourish,
Sending forth a pious band,
With the words of life to nourish
All who hunger through the land.
Zion spreads her hands before Thee;
Come, and in her temples reign,
While we give all praise and glory
To the Triune God, Amen.
Source: The Sunday School Hymnal: with offices of devotion #110