1 Thou source of being, from whose heart
Each mighty star with music rolls,
Be sacred truth our only chart,
The guiding compass of our souls.
Oh, may we love Thy will to do,
And learn the truth by being true.
2 We thank Thee for the sacred page
By men of faith and wisdom penned;
Thou dost not cease in any age
To us Thy truth inspired to send.
Oh, may we love Thy will to do,
And learn the truth by being true.
3 Not only would we in our song,
But in our lives Thy name confess,
Whose love is infinite and strong,
Whose noblest praise is righteousness.
Oh, may we love Thy will to do,
And learn the truth by being true.
4 Here may our spirits, grown more wise,
Be lifted earthly cares above;
Here may we in communion rise
To visions of celestial love;
Oh, may we love Thy will to do,
And learn the truth by being true.
Source: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book: official hymn book of the Methodist Church #186