1 Thou, O Christ, my Saviour art,
Strength and refuge of my heart;
None but thee I wish or own,
Thou art mine, and Thou alone,
My Redeemer! Light divine,
Thou hast bought me, I am Thine;
My Redeemer! Light divine,
Thou hast bought me, I am thine.
Hallelujah! Christ is mine,
Saviour, Teacher, Guide divine;
Hallelujah! Saved by grace,
I shall see His lovely face.
2 Thou for me in love hast died,
Wounded, pierced and crucified,
Pouring forth a crimson flood
Of atoning, cleansing blood,
Ransom for the guilt of sin,
Source of holiness within!
Ransom from the guilt of sin,
Source of holiness within. [Refrain]
3 Thou, O Christ, my portion art,
Joy and treasure of my heart;
Take possession of my soul,
My whole mind and will control,
Thee I worship and adore,
Thou art mine forevermore;
Thee I worship and adore,
Thou art mine forevermore. [Refrain]