1 Thou Lord of Hosts, whose guiding hand
Hast brought us here before thy face,
Our spirits wait for thy command,
Our silent hearts implore thy peace. A-men.
2 Those spirits lay their noblest powers
As offerings on thy holy shrine:
Thine was the strength that nourished ours;
The soldiers of the cross are thine.
3 While watching on our arms at night
We saw thine angels round us move;
We heard thy call, we felt thy light,
And followed, trusting to thy love.
4 Send us where’er thou wilt, O Lord!
Through rugged toil and wearying fight;
Thy conquering love shall be our sword,
And faith in thee our truest might.
5 Send down thy constant aid, we pray;
Be thy pure angels with us still;
Thy truth, be that our firmest stay;
Our only rest, to do thy will.
Source: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #305