1 Thou Lord of all above,
And all below the sky,
Before Thy feet I prostrate fall,
And for Thy mercy cry.
2 Forgive my follies past,
The crimes which I have done;
Oh, bid a contrite sinner live,
Through thine incarnate Son.
3 Guilt, like a heavy load,
Upon my conscience lies;
To Thee I make my sorrows known,
And lift my weeping eyes.
4 The burden which I feel,
Thou only canst remove;
Display, O Lord, Thy pardoning grace,
And Thine unbounded love.
5 One gracious look of thine
Will ease my troubled breast;
Oh, let me know my sins forgiven,
And I shall then be blest.
Source: Book of Worship with Hymns and Tunes #387