1 Thou, Lord, my safety, thou my light,
What danger shall my soul affright?
Strength of my life! what arm shall dare
To hurt whom thou hast own'd thy care?
2 One wish, with holy transport warm,
My heart has form'd, and yet shall form;
One gift I ask; that to my end
Fair Sion's dome I may attend;
3 There joyful find a sure abode,
And view the beauty of my God;
For he within his hallow'd shrine
My secret refuge shall assign.
4 When thou with condescending grace,
Hast bid me seek thy shining face,
My heart reply'd to thy kind word,
Thee will I seek, all-gracious Lord.
5 Should every earthly friend depart,
And nature leave a parent's heart;
My God, on whom my hopes depend,
Will be my father and my friend.
6 Ye humble souls, in every strait
On God with sacred courage wait;
His hand shall life and strength afford,
O ever wait upon the Lord.
Source: A Selection of Hymns: from the best authors, intended to be an appendix to Dr. Watt's psalms and hymns. (1st Am. ed.) #CCCXLIV