1. Thou hast cast off, and scattered us,
O God, thou wast displeased;
Oh, turn thyself to us again,
And show thyself appeased.
2. To tremble thou hast made our earth,
With sore divisions rent;
Oh, heal the breaches thou hast made;
It shakes, to ruin bent.
3. Thou hard, and grievous things to bear,
Thy people didst assign;
And of astonishment has made
Us drink the deadly wine.
4. But now, to them that fear thy name,
A banner thou hast reared;
And it in triumph is displayed,
So hath thy truth appeared.
5. That thy beloved, as heretofore,
May still deliverance have:
O hear the fervent prayers we make,
And let thy right hand save.
6. God, in his holiness, hath spoke.
My joy it cannot fail;
I'll portion out fair Sichem's soil,
And meet out Succcth's vale.
7. Famed Gilead, and Manasseh, both,
Already own my cause;
The gallant Ephraim's tribe's my strength,
And Judah gives forth Laws.
8. Moab shall serve to wash my feet,
O'er Edom I will tread;
The proud Philistian lords shall stoop,
And to my triumphs add.
9. But who shall their strong dity take,
And bring to our command?
Who shall to victory lead our arms,
Through Edom's rocky land?
10. Though thou, O God, hast cast us off,
Refused our arms to bless;
Wilt thou not, now, our armies head
And crown them with success?
11. From all our troubles give us help;
Man's help is vain we own.
12. Through God we shall do valiant acts;
'Tis he our foes treads down.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752