1 Thou art merciful, O Father,
Full of pity, love and grace;
Thou wilt not forever chasten,
Nor in anger hide Thy face.
High as heaven vast and boundless,
Hath Thy loving-kindness been;
Far as east from west is distant
Hast Thou put away our sin.
2 Like a Father's tender pity
Is God mercy tow'rd His own;
For He knows our frame, rememb'ring
We are dust, our days soon gone.
Like a flower, blooming, fading,
Like the grass, we pass away;
But God's righteousness and mercy
On His children rest always.
3 In the heavens, well established,
Is His universal throne;
For His kingdom ruleth ever,
And His sway all kings shall own.
Bless Jehovah, ye, His angels,
Bless Him, hosts of His control,
Bless Jehovah all His creatures,
Bless Jehovah, O my soul!
Source: Great Songs of the Church (Revised) #106