1 This world shall be a garden where all things fair shall grow,
When all shall learn the story of Him who loves us so;
Then ev’ry heart shall open and bid Him enter there,
To fill it with His beauty, His joys beyond compare.
This world shall be a garden, aglow with light and love,
The sunshine of His presence fair shall fill it from above,
No fear nor doubt shall wither, no blight of sin destroy,
This world shall be a garden, a Paradise of joy.
2 With gladdest Self-Denial we’ll strive like Him to grow,
And by our Perseverance the tempter’s pow’r will go.
We’ll smooth all paths with Kindness, to others show the way,
And undismay’d by trials, with Patience win the day. [Refrain]
3 O haste the day, Lord Jesus, when all shall own Thy sway,
Shall choose the precious blossoms and cast all sin away,
Then ev’ry heart shall know Thee and own Thee King divine,
Then ev’ry tongue shall praise Thee and all the world be Thine. [Refrain]
Source: The Excelsior Hymnal #34