1 They will meet me over there
In that shining land;
At the portal bright and fair
Shall my loved ones stand.
They will gladly welcome me
As I cross the foam,
As I cross the storm sea,
To my heav’nly home!
They will meet me over there,
Yes, they’ll meet me there,
When the years of earth are past
With their toil and care;
They will gladly welcome me,
As I cross the foam;
They will meet me over there,
They will meet me there.
2 Oft I look with eager eyes
Thro’ the mist of years,
And those heav’nly mansions rise
To my vision near;
And in fancy I can see,
In that shining place,
Smiling once again at me,
Each belovéd face! [Refrain]
3 Then, while here on earth I stay,
May I faithful prove,
For they watch me day by day
With glad eyes of love;
And they wait and long for me,
Till the hour shall come
When I cross the stormy sea,
To my heav’nly home! [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Christian Service #44