1 They tell me there is one who knows my need,
Who for my sinful soul will intercede,
And pardons all who will His warning heed,
To know Him is eternal life.
I ought to know Him, I want to know Him,
Too long I’ve known the way of sin;
I ought to know Him, I want to know Him,
The way of life I now begin.
2 The way of life was opened for us here,
By bleeding cross, by thorns and anguished tear;
To make the sinner’s heav’nly title clear—
To know Him is eternal life. [Refrain]
3 To know Him, yea, to know His dying love,
To find the pilgrim way to heav’n above;
Just now by faith His mercy I would prove,
To know Him is eternal life. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Full Salvation #23