1 They tell me the path to heaven,
Is filled with many a thorn;
That the feet that will follow Jesus,
Will be weary oft, and torn;
But they do not hear the whisper
Of His voice, so sweet and calm,
And they do not feel the rapture,
As I press His wounded palm.
O let me walk with Jesus,
He has been a friend to me;
For He fills my heart with gladness,
And He saves and keeps me free.
2 They say there are heavy crosses,
And burdens many to bear;
That the way is too straight and narrow,
And the sun shines seldom there:
But around the cross there’s glory,
And His strong arm bears my load,
And His loving smile is sunshine,
And He gives me naught but good.
O let me walk with Jesus,
He has been a friend to me;
For He fills my heart with gladness,
And He saves and keeps me free.
3 They tell me the way is threatened
With clouds and many a storm;
But I hide in the “Rock of Ages,”
Until all without is calm.
If my cup is sometimes bitter,
‘Tis because He knows it’s best;
He but lets my feet grow weary,
That I may have sweeter rest.
O let me walk with Jesus,
He has been a friend to me;
For He fills my heart with gladness,
And He saves and keeps me free.
4 O, hearts that are crushed with sorrow,
Whose eyes with weeping are dim;
Weep not, for the Master calleth;
Bring your load of grief to Him:
For He soothes the brow of sorrow,
And He calms the heaving breast,
And He heals the broken hearted,
And He gives the weary rest.
O come and walk with Jesus,
He will be a friend to thee;
He will fill thy heart with gladness,
He will save and keep thee free.
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 3 #32