1 They crowned the Master’s head with thorns;
A cross they bade him bare;
They laughed at him and taunted him,
And mocked his mute despair.
On Calvary he died for me;
He bore my sins on Calvary;
He suffered there, my shame to bear;
He died on Calvary.
2 They scourged the Master as he trod
Up Calvary’s ascent;
They smote him with their evil hands;
His purple robe they rent. [Refrain]
3 They pierced the Master in the side;
Their lips reviled his name;
And yet, for thee and me he bore
The suffering and shame. [Refrain]
4 They nailed the Master to the tree,
The curséd, cruel tree;
They spiked his hands and left him there
To die for you and me. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Christian Service #45