1 There's work for us all in the vineyard of love,
Let no one be idle today;
Go gather the gems for the Master above -
Go willingly, labor and pray.
There's work for us all
The Master is calling for thee;
Go labor, go labor today,
There's work for us all to do.
2 There's work for us all, wheresoever we be,
To labor, at home or abroad;
Then let us go forth, and we surely will see,
The will and the pleasure of God. [Chorus]
3 There's work for us all! let us go with a pray'r,
That we may find something to do;
Oh, take up the cross, it is easy to bear,
Be faithful, and valiant, and true. [Chorus]
Source: Sweeter Than All Songs: containing many new songs, a number of the popular songs of to-day, with many familiar hymns; for all occasions of Christian work and worship #101