1 There’s peace that passes telling,
When Christ has found a dwelling
In hearts where love is swelling,
The Christ who died for thee.
There’s hope, and peace and joy now,
There’s hope, and peace and joy now,
There’s hope, and peace and joy now,
In Christ, who died for thee.
2 There’s joy beyond all dreaming,
When Christ’s kind eyes are gleaming
With love upon thee beaming,
The Christ who rose for thee. [Chorus]
3 There’s hope, all else excelling,
When Christ, all sin expelling,
Has closed thy mad rebelling,
The Christ who reigns for thee. [Chorus]
4 There’s bliss beyond all measure,
When Christ His ransomed treasure
Shall call to glory’s pleasure,
The Christ who welcomes thee. [Chorus]
Source: Hymns of Consecration and Faith #589