1 There’s no condemnation to them in Christ Jesus,
That walk in the Spirit alone;
Their chains have been broken,
Their freedom is spoken,
And now Jesus calls them his own.
I’ll praise him, I’ll praise him
Who saves me and calls me his own;
There’s no condemnation to them in Christ Jesus
That live by the Spirit alone.
2 There’s no condemnation and no separation
From Jesus our Lover divine;
No death and no sorrow,
No thought for tomorrow,
When all that is Jesus’ is mine. [Refrain]
3 There’s no condemnation, O blessed assurance,
To sinners now saved by his grace;
The law has no terror,
Truth triumphs o’er error,
Since Jesus has stood in our place. [Refrain]
4 There’s no condemnation, ring out the sweet story
To all who are longing for rest,
That life in Christ Jesus
From sin and death frees us,
And urge them the promise to test. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Praise and Salvation #16