1 There’s a song in heav’n they sing,
None on earth its music know,
As they gather ’round the King,
Clad in garments “white as snow;”
With their voices all in key
These they sing this “glad, new song,”
Look on him they love to see,
While the music floats along.
They are singing hallelujahs,
We can catch the glorious strain,
And it seems to touch our heart-strings,
And we echo the refrain,
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Praise we all the great I Am,
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
Glory to the precious Lamb!
2 There’s a strain the ransomed know,
And they sing it o’er and o’er;
There’s to it a rhythmic flow,
Such as ear ne’er heard before;
And their voices blending sweet
Make heav’n’s arches ring with praise;
The swelling chorus they repeat:
“Lord, to thee our song we raise.” [Refrain]
3 This sweet strain we soon shall know,
When our labor here is done,
When the songs we loved below
Blend with that eternal one;
Here in part we know, but soon
Face to face we’ll see the King,
There to worship God triune,
And the heav’nly anthem sing. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Love and Praise No. 4 #136