1 There’s a song I love to sing,
To the praises of our King,
For His great salvation full and free;
For the Savior came one day,
And He took my sins away,
And the blessing fell on me.
‘Twas a happy, happy day,
When He took my sins away,
And from bondage set me free;
And the glory filled my soul,
As the burden off did roll,
And the blessing fell on me.
2 When I consecration made,
And upon the alter laid
All I was, or ever hoped to be;
Then the Holy Spirit came,
In a Pentecostal flame,
And the blessing fell on me. [Refrain]
3 Although so undone was I,
Jesus hearkened to my cry,
Gave me perfect peace and liberty;
Unto others now I tell,
Of this Friend I love so well,
Since the blessing fell on me. [Refrain]
Source: Full Redemption Songs #36