1 There’s a mighty army gath’ring for the fray,
Making strong and ready ere they bravely march away;
Bright their banners gleaming, ‘neath the noon-day sun;
Willingly they don the armor one by one.
Onward to fields of glory, singing as we go,
Telling the old, old story, ready for the foe;
Onward to fields of glory, faith and love prevail;
Out on the field of battle, right cannot fail.
2 Joyful songs are ringing, hearts are filled with love,
Living in the vict’ry that awaits us up above;
Serving our Commander, at his beck and call,
Knowing he will safely guide us, one and all. [Refrain]
3 Tho’ the foe advancing comes with mighty tread,
We will never falter with his banner overhead;
Trusting in his goodness, marching in his love,
Following our footsteps to our home above.
Source: His Worthy Praise #81