1 There’s a land far away in the regions of day,
Where there comes neither sorrow nor night;
To its shores God will guide over life’s rolling tide,
By the beams from the harbor light.
Hark! A voice o’er the wave!
‘Tis the Mighty to Save,
And He calls thro’ the gloom of the night:—
“I will guide safe thy barque,
Thro’ the mist and the dark,
By the beams from the harbor light.”
2 When by storm I was tossed and my course I had lost,
When no rescue nor help was in sight;
Then a light came to me, placed in love by the sea,
‘Twas the beam from the harbor light. [Refrain]
3 When my voyage is past and my anchor I cast
By the shores of that country so bright;
On its glories I’ll gaze and my Pilot I’ll praise,
For the beams from the harbor light. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of Pentecost No. 2 #82