1 There’s a happy world above,
Where there’s joy, and peace, and love;
We are going to that world,
To that happy world above.
There is full, supreme delight,
In those mansions fair and bright,
With their pure, celestial light,
In that happy world above.
2 We shall all behold the King,
And His holy praises sing,
Till the heav’nly arches ring,
In that happy world above.
Nor shall sin e’er enter there,
Neither doubtings or despair,
Shall corrupt those mansions fair,
In that happy world above.
3 Saints and angels in one throng,
Praise their King in rapturous song,
And the lofty strains prolong,
In that happy world above.
There we’ll sing and happy be,
And in all eternity
Our Redeemer we shall see,
In that happy world above.
Select Hymns, 1911 (Timeless Truths)