1 There's a happy day at hand, Hallelujah!
We have struck the Holy Land,
Praise the Lord!
We have cross'd the muddy tide, Hallelujah!
We are now on Canaan's side,
Praise the Lord!
Tho' the conquest lies ahead,
We shall conquer never dread,
All the land our feet shall tread,
Praise the Lord!
All the land our feet shall tread,
Praise the Lord!
2 'Tis the milk and honey land, Hallelujah!
We, by faith upon it stand,
Praise the Lord!
It is rich in all we need, Hallelujah!
Living water, living bread,
Praise the Lord! [Refrain]
3 There are cities great and high, Hallelujah!
Strong and wall'd up t'ward the sky,
Praise the Lord!
But by faith we'll bring them low, Hallelujah!
And Jehovah's pow'r we'll show,
Praise the Lord! [Refrain]
4 There are giants tall and grand, Hallelujah!
Stalking proudly thro' this land,
Praise the Lord!
But we'll trust the name of God, Hallelujah!
And we'll bring them to the sod,
Praise the Lord! [Refrain]
5 Never let your spirits fall, Hallelujah!
Only let the Lord be all,
Praise the Lord!
By the Spirit He doth give, Hallelujah!
We shall conquer while we live,
Praise the Lord! [Refrain]
6 Tho' at Ai come defeat, Hallelujah!
And reproach upon us beat,
Praise the Lord!
We will search the camp for sin, Hallelujah!
And renew the fight again,
Praise the Lord! [Refrain]
7 Blessed land of holiness, Hallelujah!
Land of conquest, land of peace,
Praise the Lord!
We have reach'd the happy shore, Hallelujah!
We shall live in sin no more,
Praise the Lord! [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #3