1 “There’s a conflict on—will we stand the test?
‘In service for Christ,’ let us do our best;
With the Lord of Hosts as our strength and mighty,
Let us ne’er retreat—keep up the fight.”
“Onward, ever onward, trusting day by day,
Ours shall be the vict’ry, for Jesus leads the way;
Onward, ever onward, there’s a fight for us to win,
The world shall soon be conquer’d from the hosts of sin.
2 “For His glorious cause we will live or die;
‘In service for Christ,’ is the battle cry;
We can never lose for our cause is right,
Let us forward go—keep up the fight.” [Refrain]
3 “Till the vict’ry’s won and the crown’s in view,
‘In service for Christ,’ ring the watchword true;
We will look by faith for the dawning light,
Hold the cross on high—keep up the fight.” [Refrain]
Source: The Kingdom of Praise #62