1 There’s a call for valiant soldiers in the army of the Lord,
That the world from sin’s dominion may be free;
Who will take the gospel armor, girding on the Spirit’s sword?
Who will answer “here am I, O Lord, send me.”
Enlist today, then to the battle field away,
Be a soldier true and brave;
Quickly answer to his call,
For the Lord hath need of all,
Help this dying world to save.
2 Hear the call “to arms” resounding over valley, hill, and plain,
While above the din of battle, clear and strong
Rings the cry for reinforcements, sounding o’er and o’er again,
Who will join our ranks and gladly march along?[Refrain]
3 In this century’s glad dawning help to usher in the day,
When all people shall have heard the gospel call;
When our Christ in every nation shall have undisputed sway,
Every human tongue proclaim him Lord of all. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Christian Service #40