1 There’s a call comes ringing over land and sea,
Ye soldiers of the cross be true;
Tho’ the foe be mighty, on the Lord rely,
And he will bring you safely thro.
With banners waving we will forward go;
In the name of Jesus we will rout the foe;
For the Lord Jehovah will our Captain be,
And lead us on to victory.
2 Buckle on the armor, then unsheath the sword,
And forward into battle go;
Wave the royal banner, trusting in the Lord,
And he will put to flight the foe. [Refrain]
3 Over land and sea, wherever man is found,
Proclaim salvation full and free;
That the souls who now are by the tyrant bound,
May all be set at liberty. [Refrain]
4 There’s a crown awaiting ev’ry soldier true,
Who’ll stand until the vict’ry’s won;
Let us then be faithful to the Lord of hosts
Until we hear the words “Well done.” [Refrain]
Source: Revival Melodies #71