1 There’s a blessed old Book that my forefathers knew,
And now, by His grace, it is mine;
A wonderful Book, and I know it is true—
The Bible, the Book divine.
O blessed old Bible, the joy of my heart,
So priceless beyond all compare;
It tells me of love, of the glory above,
And will lead to the mansion awaiting me there.
2 That old Book says my Shepherd was smitten for me,
That I full salvation might win;
He suffered and died upon Calvary’s hill,
To save a lost world from sin. [Refrain]
3 On that old blessed Book I can always depend,
‘Twill counsel and guidance afford;
Its precepts are just, and all others transcend—
The Bible, God’s holy Word. [Refrain]
Source: Praise and Worship Hymns #50