1 There’s a beautiful home in a realm all bright,
Where never shall come the shadows of night,
And where all the saints from the east and the west
And the north and the south forever shall rest:
To that beautiful home I shall journey soon,
For my Savior has gone to prepare me room.
2 IN that home over there no sickness is known,
O’er its threshold fair no death can e’er come;
Its inhabitants never grow weary or old,
The sun never smites them, none suffer with cold: [Refrain]
3 That home is within a city most fair,
A city celestial which lieth foursquare;
Its walls are of jasper, its pavement is gold,
Its gates are of pearl, and beauty untold: [Refrain]
4 For that beautiful home, the saint’s happy rest,
My spirit oft longs, being weary, oppressed;
yet I’ll patiently tarry till Jesus shall come,
To call me, made ready to that blessed home: [Refrain]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 4 #21