1 There was One who came down here from glory,
He was Jesus, the Father's own Son;
When I heard of that blessed old story,
I accepted him, God's only Son.
What a friend, (What a friend,) what a friend, (what a friend,)
He's my friend and is my "all in all;" (my "all in all;")
What a friend, (What a friend,) what a friend, (what a friend,)
He will answer whenever I call. (When I call.)
2 I have claimed Him since one day on Calv'ry
He so willingly died in my place;
And He showed me how much He could love me,
When He gave me His unbounded grace. [Refrain]
3 Such a friend! He is with me forever,
On his promise I can e'er depend;
And the love bond 'twixt us none can sever,
From now until this world shall end. [Refrain]
Source: Blessed Refuge: a suitable collection of sacred songs, old and new designed for the work and worship of the church #143