1. Now Naaman the leper, that hon'rable man,
A captain of Syria's guard,
Was badly afflicted and covered by rash,
But favored in sight of the Lord.
Oh my! what a sight; disease made him white;
No doctor could help him he'd seen;
He never did pray
And knew not the way
To wash in the beautiful stream.
Go wash in the beautiful stream,
Go wash in the beautiful stream;
O Naaman, O Naaman, go down and wash,
Go wash in the beautiful stream.
2. He heard of a man in the Israelite land
A woman had told him about;
I'll go if I can, thus he said to his friends,
For he may relieve me, no doubt.
He went and he called the prophet of God;
Elisha refused to be seen,
But offered his care
And sent him down there
To wash in the beautiful stream. [Refrain]
3. So Naaman raged on, and the servant had gone
Whom 'lisha had sent to the door;
He did not believe what he had just received,
Instructions for his perfect cure;
He tho't waters flowing in his own land
Were better because they were clean;
'Twas just about night,
He got in the light
And plunged in the beautiful stream. [Refrain]
4. Now sinner, O sinner, are you not the same
As Naaman, that strong Syrian?
Your sickness, it injures both body and soul
And makes you feel loathsome and mean;
You feel you are lost, but turn to the cross,
And Jesus will then make you clean.
All those who are sick,
Be humble and quick,
And wash in the beautiful stream. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns and Devotions for Daily Worship #224
First Line: | There was Naaman the leper, that honorable man |
Title: | Go Wash in the Beautiful Stream |
Author: | Charles Albert Tindley |
Language: | English |
Refrain First Line: | Go wash in the beautiful stream |
Copyright: | Public Domain |
First known appearance was in the Ebenezer Hymnal (1887), text only, uncredited. When it was published in Soul Echoes No. 2 (1909), both words and music were credited to Charles A. Tindley, but the copyright date was given as 1901. Presently, there is no available evidence to discount Tindley's authorship of the text. —Chris Fenner