1 There is work for all to do,
Then away, ye reapers true,
To the field, to the field;
‘Tis the harvest Lord’s command,
Help the needs on ev’ry hand,—
To the field, to the field.
To the field march away with the Savior today,
To your promise be true, ev’ry order obey;
Go and gather the grain for the Lord while you may,
To the field, to the field.
2 Soon the shades of night will fall,
Ending labor-time for all,—
To the field, to the field;
While the sunshine gilds the earth,
To your Master prove your worth,—
To the field, to the field. [Refrain]
3 Do not say, “Some other day;”
With your sickle speed away
To the field, to the field;
Then when light of earth grows dim
You will have some sheaves for Him;
To the field, to the field. [Refrain]
Source: Glad Tidings in Song #79