1 There is pardon full and free,
At the cross,
There’s redemption there for me,
At the cross,
In its shadow I’m abiding,
In its refuge I am hiding,
In it safely I’m confiding,
Blessed cross.
At the cross!
Blessed cross!
Hallow’d cross!
Sacred cross!
Shining more and more with glory,
Of the Savior’s wondrous story,
Lighting up the way before me,
Blessed cross.
2 There is grace anew each day,
At the cross,
Strength for all my pilgrim way,
At the cross,
Ever onward it is leading,
Giving all the strength I’m needing,
Answers to my ev’ry pleading,
Blessed cross. [Chorus]
3 There is conquest there anew,
At the cross,
And the Master’s promise true,
At the cross,
Hear the countless voices singing,
Hear the songs of praises ringing,
Ev’ry day new vict’ry bringing,
Blessed cross. [Chorus]
Source: Great Tabernacle Hymns #116