1 There is no friend like Jesus, in weakness,
No one who lifts such burdens of care;
No one like Him to strengthen and guide me,
No one like Him to hearken to prayer.
There is no friend like Jesus my Saviour,
No one like Him to help and defend,
No one like Him, my blessed Redeemer,
No one like Him, my Wonderful Friend.
2 There is no friend like Him in temptation,
Fully He knows the depth of its power,
Met it for me and triumphed forever,
Just to become my strength and my tower. [Refrain]
3 There is no friend like Jesus, in sorrow;
No one like Him hath sorrowed and sighed;
No one so comforts me like a mother,
No one whose heart is open so wide. [Refrain]
4 There is no friend such hope hath imparted;
No one but Jesus bringeth such calm;
No one who comes to earth’s broken hearted,
Ever bestows such healing and balm. [Refrain]
Source: Sacred Songs No. 1: compiled and arranged for use in gospel meetings, Sunday schools, prayer meetings and other religious services #93