1 There is light in the valley once shrouded with darkness,
Hope sheds her bright ray o'er the gloom of the grave;
A Saviour ascending, fill2 earth with His brightness,
'Tis Jesus, 'tis Jesus, the Mighty to save.
Mighty to save, Mighty to save,
'Tis Jesus, 'tis Jesus, the Mighty to save;
Mighty to save, Mighty to save,
'Tis Jesus, 'tis Jesus, the Mighty to save.
2 O'er the dark realms of death shines a halo of glory,
The tyrant no longer exerts his dread sway;
His dark reign is ended, his sceptre is broken,
Henceforth all His subjects forever are free. [Chorus]
3 Shout aloud, ye redeemed ones, repeat the glad story,
And sing, all ye ransomed, from death's dismal thrall;
In triumph ascend to the mansions of glory,
Forever, forever restored from the fall. [Chorus]
4 There, oh, there, on the banks of the beautiful river,
Shall anthems of rapture unceasingly rise;
While angels and saints reunited forever,
Shall join in the chorus that gladdens the skies. [Chorus]
Source: The Male Chorus No. 1: for use in gospel meetings, Christian associations and other religious services #45