1 There is cleansing in the blood of the blessed Son of God,
Hallelujah, there is cleansing in the blood!
There is wondrous pow’r to save, underneath its crimson wave,
Hallelujah, there is cleansing in the blood.
Hallelujah, there is cleansing in the blood!
Hallelujah, there is healing ‘neath its flood;
Ev’ry guilty, sin-sick soul can be cleans’d and fully whole,
Hallelujah, there is cleansing in the blood!
2 Tho’ your sins may scarlet be, you may have redemption free,
Hallelujah, there is cleansing in the blood!
For it washes white as snow, and its cleansing you may know,
Hallelujah, there is cleansing in the blood. [Refrain]
3 Ev’ry fetter, ev’ry chain, thro’ its pow’r is rent in twain,
Hallelujah, there is cleansing in the blood!
Ev’ry sin will be forgiv’n, you may be as pure as heav’n,
Hallelujah, there is cleansing in the blood. [Refrain]
4 If a deeper life you crave since you felt its pow’r to save,
Hallelujah, you may get it by the blood!
If a blessing you desire, or perfection to aspire,
Hallelujah, you may claim it thro’ the blood. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of Pentecost #34