1 There is a spot of consecrated ground,
Where brightest hopes and holiest joys are found;
’Tis named, and Christians love the well-known sound,
The "throne of grace."
2 ’Tis here a calm retreat is always found;
Perpetual sunshine gilds the sacred ground;
Pure airs and heavenly odors breathe around
The "throne of grace."
3 While on this vantage-ground the Christian stands,
His quickened eye a boundless view commands;
Discovers fair abodes not made with hands--
Abodes of peace.
4 This is the mount where Christ's disciples see
The glory of the incarnate Deity;
'Tis here they find it good indeed to be,
And view his face.
5 Here may the comfortless and weary find
One who can cure the sickness of the mind,
One who delights the broken heart to bind--
The Prince of Peace.
6 Saviour! the sinner's Friend, our hope, our all!
Here teach us humbly at thy feet to fall;
Here on thy name, with love and faith, to call
For pardoning grace.
Source: Laudes Domini: a selection of spiritual songs ancient and modern #115
First Line: | There is a spot of consecrated ground |
Title: | The Throne of Grace |
Author: | Charlotte Elliott |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |