1 There is a period known to God
When all his sheep, redeemed by blood,
Shall leave the hateful ways of sin,
Turn to the fold, and enter in.
2 At peace with hell, with God at war,
In sin’s dark maze they wander far,
Indulge their lust, and still go on
As far from God as sheep can run.
3 But see how heaven’s indulgent care
Attends their wanderings here and there;
Still hard at heel, where’er they stray,
With pricking thorns to hedge their way.
4 [When wisdom calls, they stop their ear,
And headlong urge the mad career;
Judgments nor mercies e’er can sway
Their roving feet to wisdom’s way.]
5 Glory to God, they ne’er shall rove
Beyond the limits of his love;
Fenced with Jehovah’s shalls and wills,
Firm as the everlasting hills.
6 The appointed time rolls on apace,
Not to propose but call by grace;
To change the heart, renew the will,
And turn the feet to Zion’s hill.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #76