1 There is a land of peace and love,
Where troubled hearts find rest
No gloom, no storm, nor lonely night
Can ever dim th' eternal light
Of that bright home above.
2 No sorrow e'er can reach that shore,
And there no tear shall fall;
Earth's glories all shall pass away,
Lost in the light of endless day,
And grief shall be no more.
3 And oh! when on our raptured gaze
Shall break the sight of God,
Then shall our harboured spirits rest
Wrapt in the vision of the bless'd
Mid songs of ceaseless praise.
4 Then shall life's fevered toil be o'er,
And restless hearts be calm;
Then shall these anxious yearnings cease,
And troubled spirits rest in peace
On Heaven's eternal shore.
5 Fear not, though still earth's dark'ning gloom
O'ershadows life's lone path;
Jesus has shown the heavenward way
Which leads to realms of endless day,
To our dear Father's home.
Source: The Church Hymnal: containing hymns approved and set forth by the general conventions of 1892 and 1916; together with hymns for the use of guilds and brotherhoods, and for special occasions (Rev. ed) #560