1 There is a glorious world of light,
Above the starry sky,
Where saints departed, clothed in white,
Adore the Lord most High.
And hark! amid the sacred songs
Those heavenly voices raise,
Ten thousand, thousand children join,
And all is perfect praise.
2 Those are the hymns that we shall know,
If Jesus we obey!
That is the place where we shall go,
If found in wisdom's way. [Chorus]
3 This is the joy we ought to seek,
And make our chief concern;
For this we come, from week to week,
To read, and hear, and learn. [Chorus]
4 Great God, impress us ev'ry day,
That nothing may allure;
But both the taught and teachers may
Make their salvation sure. [Chorus]
Source: Junior Songs: a collection of sacred hymns and songs; for use in meetings of junior societies, Sunday Schools, etc. #166