1 There is a glorious kingdom,
A kingdom bright and fair,
And many little children
Wait on the good King there.
Yes, children, children
Are in that glorious kingdom,
That kingdom, that kingdom,
That kingdom bright and fair.
2 O, in that glorious kingdom
Is built a throne of gold;
Its ornaments are jewels,
With riches all untold.
A kingdom, kingdom,
A bright and glorious kingdom,
A kingdom, a kingdom,
A kingdom bright and fair.
3 O, in that glorious kingdom,
And on that golden throne,
There reigns the blessed Saviour,
Those children are his own.
Yes, children, children,
Are in that glorious kingdom;
That kingdom, that kingdom,
That kingdom bright and fair.
4 And in that glorious kingdom
Around the throne of gold,
Are throngs of children’s angels,
Their numbers are untold.
Yes, angels—angels
Are in that glorious kingdom;
That kingdom, that kingdom,
That kingdom bright and fair.
Source: The New Golden Censer: a musical offering to the sabbath schools #90