1 There is a day between the Spring and Summer,
When nature seems rejoicing in God’s love;
When trees and shrubs seem clapping hands together,
And Earth seems singing praise to God above.
O Children’s day! oh day for children’s praises!
To Him who on Judea’s children smiled!
We lift glad hearts on wings of happy carols,
In praise of Him Who came to earth a child.
2 At this sweet season comes the children’s Sabbath,
This lovely time when nature is so fair.
We meet to praise and worship our Redeemer,
Who makes us all, the objects of His care. [Refrain]
3 There was a day when children in Judea,
Sang glad hosannas to the blessed Lord;
When He, Who is today the Friend of children,
Gave to their praise His sweet commending word. [Refrain]
4 And so we come, assured of Jesus’ blessing,
Before His throne our songs of praise we sing.
In Him, all peace, and hope and joy possessing,
We give our hearts in tribute to our King. [Refrain]
Source: Uplifted Voices: a 20th century hymn book for sunday-schools and devotional meetings #192