1 There is a city made by God,
Whose streets are paved with gold;
The glory of that heav’nly place
By prophets has been told.
Then be prepared to meet thy God,
To pass through the golden gate.
The King of kings is ruler there,
He guards the golden gate.
Is there any one here who is not prepared to enter the golden gate?
Be ready, for soon the time will come to enter that golden gate.
Don’t let it be said, too late, too late, to enter that golden gate;
Be ready for soon the time will come to enter that golden gate.
That beautiful golden gate,
That beautiful golden gate,
Be ready, for soon the time will come to enter that golden gate.
2 There is a mansion bright and fair,
In that celestial place,
For those who turn from all their sin
And trust His pard’ning grace.
Then turn to Christ without delay,
Oh, come for the hour is late,
The King of kings is calling you,
Inside the golden gate. [Refrain]
Source: The Modern Hymnal #468