1 There is a City, I am told
Where all the streets are paved with gold;
A Home prepared for you and me,
Where we may spend eternity.
Eternity, Eternity,
Where we may spend eternity.
2 Me thinks I hear the heav’nly song,
In hallelujahs loud and long:
Come floating o’er the mighty sea,
A message from eternity.
Eternity, Eternity,
A message from eternity.
3 Our loved one who have gone before,
Are beck’ning us to that bright shore;
That we may from our cares be free,
And sing thro’ all eternity.
Eternity, Eternity,
And sing thro’ all eternity.
4 Some day my blessed Lord will call,
In tones that gently rise and fall;
And He will say “Come home with me,
To dwell in blest eternity.”
Eternity, Eternity,
And dwell in blest eternity.
Source: Assembly Songs: for use in evangelistic services, Sabbath schools, young peoples societies, devotional meetings, and the home #63