1 There are those around watching day by day,
While with them you shall walk life’s way,
There are souls that long for the Savior too,
Souls you may win, if your life rings true.
If your life rings true, if your life rings true,
What a work for Jesus you then can do;
If your life rings true, if your life rings true,
Souls may be saved, if your life rings true.
2 Measure word and tho’t by the Gospel creed,
Christ in you then the world may read;
Consecrate to Him ev’ry pow’r anew,
He needs your help, if your life rings true. [Refrain]
3 Let the love of God from your heart o’erflow;
Do your best for the Lord below,
You would sing for joy if you only knew
Blessings await, if your life rings true. [Refrain]
Source: The King of Glory #5